Jane Waterous in Whistler

Whistler Contemporary Gallery is thrilled to be hosting Jane Waterous at the Four Seasons Resort and the Hilton Resort in Whistler, BC, for an unforgettable joint art show February 14th - 20th! A perfect exhibition starting this Valentine's Day with works that celebrate life, love and the human spirit. Meet Jane at our Hilton Location Feb 18th, more details below. 


Jane Waterous is a multidisciplinary artist holding international acclaim! Born in Ontario, Canada in 1959 she went on to study at Queens University, Ontario College of Art & Design, Sheridan College and completed her MFA at New York University.

Jane is known for her diverse series of work created with acrylic, resin and neon installation however she is best known for her Gatherings series which won her the prestigious Solo Artist Award in 2012 at the New York Art Expo. Her Gatherings, sculpture-like 3-dimensional figures, are the embodiment of 3 decades of work. Each painting literally and figuratively jumps off the canvas and dances in a synergistic halo of light, depth, colour and action. They are a celebration of the Human Spirit.

 “The work you see today is the product of a life lived. It is those past and present experiences that motivate me to create.  Everything that matters happens when people come together, life is a series of gatherings that all add up to a life that is lived.” Jane’s work is collected world wide, her clients include Fortune 500 executives, senior political figures, Royal Family members, Hollywood A-listers, music and sport celebrities. She currently resides in the Bahamas.




FEBRUARY 18th from 4 - 6:30 PM 


(Art Gallery Row Downstairs / Hilton entrance)


RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW VIA THE FOLLOWING RSVP LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/meet-greet-cocktail-party-jane-and-jonah-waterous-tickets-808708738607?aff=oddtdtcreator


We look forward to you joining us!

To learn more about Jane Waterous - Click Here






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